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Barcelona Turisme Convention Bureau

11.07.2023  World Parkinson Congress 2023: Bringing Barcelona Closer to Everyday Life for Parkinson's Patients (HQ Magazine) (pdf)
16.06.2023  Cvent’s Top Meeting Destinations 2023 in Europe places Barcelona in 2nd position
14.06.2023  The new ICCA Ranking places Barcelona in the first place in number of delegates and fourth in the number of international congresses
12.04.2023  The World Parkinson Coalition together with Associació Catalana per al Pàrkinson, the BCB announced the launch of its Make the City Parkinson’s Ready program ahead of the 6th World Parkinson Congress, taking place July 4-7 in Barce (pdf)
30.03.2023  22th March - BCB joins the Biosphere Certification
Barcelona is ranked as one of the top international congress destinations in Europe and the world. According to data collected by different associations for 2022, Barcelona is ranked:

ICCA 4st position
UIA 8th position
Every year BCB prepares a stats fact sheet on meetings held in Barcelona. This document is produced from proprietary data and research. The following shows the main numbers for 2022:
Congresses, workshops and symposiums 290.422
Conventions and incentives 262.820
Total 553.242
Congresses, workshops and symposiums466
Conventions and incentives 1.173
Total 1.639
This document is available on demand at a price of 30 eur.
For the complete document or further information, send an email to:

If you want to find more information on the city of Barcelona, find the full statistics fact file on the Observatory of Tourism in Barcelona website.